Massage Therapy






Relaxing, Restorative Therapeutic and Pregnancy Massage in Figtree

Massage is one of the most scientifically tested and researched of all the complementary and natural health therapies.  It is a powerful and ancient natural treatment which opens and releases areas of tension, discomfort and stress, and leads to a deep sense of well being and peace.

I offer dynamic therapeutic and pregnancy whole body massage, with focus on specific areas depending upon your needs.

My aim is that you have both a relaxing and effective massage treatment, so that you feel supple and have ease of movement when you leave and also feel nurtured and relaxed.  This is why I only offer 90 minute appointments, as I feel it’s essential to work on the body for this long to achieve this goal.

What are the benefits of Massage?

          • Unwind and release muscular tension
          • Relieve general aches and pains
          • Relieve back, hip and shoulder pain
          • Release myofascial tissue
          • Increase circulation
          • Aid lymphatic drainage
          • Accelerate muscle recovery after exercise
          • Support muscle expansion during pregnancy
          • Aid injury recovery
          • Release stress
          • Recharge depleted energy levels
          • Physical detoxification
          • Nurture the body
          • Deep relaxation
          • Better deeper sleep

Introductory Offer
Therapeutic or Pregnancy Massage

Initial Consultation and Treatment

1hr 30min for $120

What to expect during a Massage appointment?

I begin with a consultation, discussing the purpose of your visit, medical history and the depth of massage preferred. A therapeutic massage begins with you lying face down on pillows to support your chest and arms. For pregnancy massage, the pillows are arranged to support you while you lie on your side, ensuring comfort throughout the treatment. My massage technique uses arms and body weight to compress, stretch, smooth and expand muscles, delivering powerful yet gentle depth and coverage of the body. I also use my hands to focus on specific areas that require more attention such as release points, sore muscles and myofascial tissue. If requested, Young Living therapeutic grade essential oils are applied to enhance the release of muscular tension.

My aim is to combine the easing of physical discomfort with a sense of peace, nurturing and relaxation. Based on the results of the first appointment, I will recommend a program to achieve your desired outcomes.

Judy fixed the tightness in my hips and lower back, feel ten years younger.

Sandra, Wollongong

spiritual healer wollongong

How much does a Therapeutic Massage and Pregnancy Massage appointment cost?

Single Appointment

$150 / 1hr 30min
  • First 1hr 30min appointment is at the introductory rate of $120
  • Subsequent 1hr 30min appointments are $150
  • Alternatively, purchase a package of 3 appointments for $375
  • A cash discount is available – please ask for details

What is Young Living Raindrop Technique?

Young Living Essential Oils Raindrop Technique® combines therapeutic grade essential oils aromatherapy with the techniques of Vita Flex and massage.   Through the application of therapeutic grade essential oils to the feet, spine and back, it brings structural, electrical and emotional alignment to the body.

The treatments was created by the founder of Young Living Essential Oils, Gary Young, to treat clients with spinal challenges, but also has a broader list of benefits.

What are the benefits of the Raindrop Technique?

          • Boost the immune system
          • Detoxify physical and energetic bodies
          • Reduce pain and inflammation
          • Align the spine, back and shoulders
          • Ease muscle, bone and joint discomfort
          • Increase circulation
          • Increase height (yes it’s true!)
          • Improve emotional well-being
          • Reduce anxiety and stress
          • Balance the body’s energy centres
          • Create harmony, balance and grounding
          • Gentle and relaxing application

What to expect during a Raindrop Technique treatment?

The treatment duration is 2 hours.  I begin with a full consultation, discussing the purpose your visit and medical history. The treatment starts with Young Living Essential oils being applied to your feet along reflexology points using a technique called Vita Flex. The Young Living oils used are Thyme, Basil, Peppermint, Oregano, Wintergreen, Cypress and Marjoram, plus two oil blends Valor® & Aroma Seiz™.  The same oils are then applied to your spine, using proprietary application techniques developed to create the greatest benefit.  The treatment is finished with a gentle stretching technique and 5 to 10 minutes of rest to fully relax and absorb the powerful oils into the body, so the benefits can continue long after the treatment is finished.  Should you wish to use the oils at home, The Raindrop Technique oils pack can be purchased from Young Living – please contact me for more information or to book for a Raindrop Technique treatment.

I had been suffering with knee problems for several years. Doctors finally identified it was related to my back and after trying various treatments with no success, I was having to resort to surgery. Around that time I started to have Raindrop Technique. Not only did I feel purged, detoxed and reinvigorated, but after only 3 treatments my knee and back were fine and have remained so for well over a year.

Carol, Somerset UK

spiritual healer wollongong

How much does a Raindrop Technique appointment cost?

I’d love to hear from you…





0449 541 044


3 Janet St, Figtree,
NSW 2525